Monday, September 15, 2008

in addition to that...

While i really liked what he said about inviting heaven or hell to earth with our actions, i was also moved by two previous thoughts. Where Bell says When Jesus speaks of loving our neighbor, it isn't just for our neighbor's sake. If we don't love our neighbor, something happens to us. It really lays out the whole idea of bring heaven to earth and portraying the image of God through our actions not only encourages others and helps them see Jesus, but helps us to connect to Him by following his will and really just submitting to Him and letting the Holy Spirit guide our lives.

And also how true is it when Bell said when they become we and he becomes me. Its so easy just to pull the holier than thou card, but its really humbling when you realize that were filling a void with the exact same thing as 'that sinner over there.' And really no matter how hard we try we will always fall down because of our sinful nature. as Paul says in Romans 7:21 I have discovered this principle of life-that when i want to do what is right, i inevitably do what is wrong.. But in Romans 8:9-10 he says But you are not controlled by your sinful nature. You are controlled by the Spirit if you have the Spirit of God living in you. And Christ lives within you!

So Christ will shine through our lives simply (or not so simply) by submitting to Him. Even though we are all screwups, this promise provides a lot of hope!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Rob Bell Sex God Update

Hey College Crew!

After reading the 1st chapter of Sex God the biggest idea that stuck with me is the statement Rob made when he said "Because with every decision, conversation, gesture, comment, action, and attitude, we're inviting heaven or hell to earth. "


You mean to tell me that everything I say, do, decide on, give gestures to, invites heaven or hell to earth?!? Talk about making you think about everything you do every moment of the day! I cannot believe or wrap my mind around the fact that God has given ME and ALL OF US the opportunity to invite Heaven into our private lives and to the world through every...and I mean every thing we say, do, act out, or decide on.

Talk about endless possibilities...endless because Rob Bell says EVERY decision, EVERY conversation, EVERY this, EVERY that...not simply every 5th decision, or 14th gesture. No, every single one!

With this God-given ability we truly can give as Rob Bell describes people "a glimpse into another realm. Into a better way. The way of God." (page 29)

I feel truly empowered by MY Creator because He has given me EVERY chance to invite Heaven into my own life and the life of those I interact with every day...I need to go out and get more invitations...because we are going to have a HEAVENLY PAAARRRTY!!!

Which "realm" are you inviting?

See you guys throughout the week

Just a housekeeping item...I am currently in Chapter 2 of the book and plan on posting comments this week and ealry next week dealing with the reading up to Chapter 2. Our online chat will then begin on Wednesday the 17th again at 9:30 CST. When you are signed into AIM instant message me at Ump4fun, so I can invite you into the online chat.

I would love to hear what you all think of the "every decision...invitation" idea and of course anything else from what you have read so far.


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Welcome to Blogging

Hey College Crew! This just proves that if I can blog....anyone can blog! I look forward to our online fellowship and growth together! Hope college is off to a great start and that you are making a difference and sharing the Gospel!